The Deeper Learning Project

building teachers’ capacity to foster deeper learning

Explore our collection of online modules and applied activities that focus on building teacher candidates’ capacity to foster deeper learning for all students. Each free, open-source module highlights deeper learning principles and practices while making authentic connections to P–12 practice.


Dive into the modules to explore how you can integrate them into your educator preparation program. The core elements are available openly on this site, or you can access them through Canvas Free for Teachers in order to experience the full versions in a learning management system.

What do the modules help beginning teachers learn?

The modules were created to:

  • Develop teacher candidates’ disposition towards integrating deeper learning competencies such as collaboration, communication, & problem-solving with academic content instruction

  • Engage candidates as “adaptive experts” to make equitable and intentional adjustments to teaching practices

  • Require analysis and reflection on candidate’s own teaching decisions through the lens of deeper learning

Each of the modules focuses on at least one of the Deeper Learning Competencies listed here (Hewlett, 2013). Faculty/instructors can choose the module(s) that work best for their candidates and courses.

icons of the deeper learning competencies

Who created the modules?

The Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE), now known as The Scale Group, led the development of the modules with the support of the Hewlett Foundation, working in close collaboration with a national design team of teacher educators and experts in deeper learning. Feedback from pilot use informed their release as customizable, adaptable open education resources (OER). The Scale Group is currently partnering with CTERIN at the University of California, Santa Barbara to further research and develop the modules as they are used in educator preparation programs.

We are grateful to our design, research, & thought partners at Alverno College; California State University, Sacramento; California State University, Northridge; Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; Elon University; Innokas Network; James Madison University, Learning Policy Institute; Lehman College, City University of New York; KnowledgeWorks; NC State University; San Diego State; Spelman College; Stanford d.School; Stanford Graduate School of Education; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Urban Teachers/Johns Hopkins University; and Vanderbilt University, as well as our funders at the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Preview a Featured Video

The modules include instructional videos that introduce candidates to the main concepts and walk them through engaging activities. Preview the intro to the "Effective Discussion" module to get a feel for how they are structured, or explore our full video library.

All Videos

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CC-BY open source statement

This collection of deeper learning modules is currently available as a free, open-source set of online materials for faculty/instructors all over the globe to integrate into their pre-service preparation programs, as a supplement to existing course materials. It has also been piloted as an in-service resource for professional learning. The modules can be adapted and shared with attribution.

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© 2024  by The SCALE Group

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License and should be generally attributed as follows: “SCALE/Hewlett Deeper Learning Modules”.  If a specific module is being used, it should be named.