Developing a Critical Lens to promote socially-just narratives and represent diverse identities

teacher teaching
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Driving Question

“How can we develop a critical lens to be culturally responsive to the diverse identities in our classrooms?”

teachers teaching
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Overall Learning Goal

For candidates to use a critical lens to analyze and adapt instructional materials to construct socially-just narratives and represent diverse identities.

teacher teaching a girl

Critical Lens Module Overview

This module primarily focuses on the"think critically and solve problems" competency, along with "communicate effectively".

It helps candidates reflect on their own identity and the diverse identities of their students - and use that knowledge to develop a critical lens as they analyze instructional materials for socially-just narratives and the representation of diverse identities.

Think Critically Icon

Communicate Icon

Faculty/instructors who are integrating this module into their courses can have students access the materials directly here on this website, or view it within the Canvas Free for Teachers course platform.

This site contains all of the core module material, but the Canvas version provides more directions, sequencing, and additional resources like supplemental classroom video examples and transcript files. Note that when students are watching the included videos, they can also use built-in transcript/closed captioning features.

Note that we've also included a faculty guide to support your planning. We welcome you to access this free, open-source module to enrich your teaching and address this important aspect of deeper learning!

Section 1

Reflecting on Identity & Representation in Schools

Candidates think critically about how the representation of identities and stories in instructional materials impacts learners, complete a 6-word memoir to reflect on their own identity, and engage in a small-group reflection on how their own identity impacts students.


                                       Activity 1

Section 2

Developing a Critical Lens

Candidates analyze instructional materials for representation of identities and dominant and non-dominant narratives.


                                       Activity 2

Section 3

Adapting Instructional Materials to be More Culturally Responsive

Candidates adapt instructional materials to improve representation and offer non-dominant narratives, making them more culturally responsive.


                                       Activity 3