Supporting student collaboration within performance assessments

teacher teaching
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Driving Question

“How can teachers support deeper learning by making opportunities to collaborate on performance-based assessments more meaningful for students?”

teachers teaching
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Overall Learning Goal

For candidates to identify ways to support students in becoming effective collaborators as they work together on performance-based assessments to solve problems and deepen their content understanding.

teacher teaching a girl

Collaboration and Assessments Module Overview

This module primarily focuses on the "work collaboratively" competency, although communicating is a related deeper learning skill. 

It helps candidates build their capacity to support students as they develop persistence, perseverance, and problem-solving skills as part of their mindset towards learning.

Collaborate Icon

Faculty/instructors who are integrating this module into their courses can have students access the materials directly here on this website, or view it within the Canvas Free for Teachers course platform.

This site contains all of the core module material, but the Canvas version provides more directions, sequencing, and additional resources like supplemental classroom video examples and transcript files. Note that when students are watching the included videos, they can also use built-in transcript/closed captioning features.

Note that we've also included a faculty guide to support your planning. We welcome you to access this free, open-source module to enrich your teaching and address this important aspect of deeper learning!

Section 1

Opportunities for Collaboration During Performance-Based Assessments

Candidates explore how performance-based assessments (PBAs) can integrate meaningful opportunities for collaboration through sample PBA plans & classroom videos.

Candidates engage in a team activity to determine what effective collaboration looks like.

Section 2

Strategies for Supporting Students in Becoming More Effective Collaborators

Candidates identify ways teachers can support students in working together to demonstrate and deepen their content understanding, and draw from strategies/resources from the field to build a Collaboration Support Toolkit.

Section 3

Planning to Deepen Learning by Supporting Collaboration on Performance-Based Assessments

Candidates use their Toolkit to create and share an implementation plan for strategically supporting collaboration on a PBA within their content area.